Oct 11th, 2016
Say It Right: How to Talk In Any Social or Business Situation

This Collectors Edition Autographed by Dr. Lillian Glass, Move over Dale Carnegie, who may have been the communication guru close to a century ago, modern day communication guru Dr. Lillian Glass presents a dynamic guide to exactly what to say in almost any business...

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Apr 23rd, 2017
Historias espeluznantes

Historias espeluznantes reúne siete relatos cuyo hilo conductor es el espanto -esa violenta sensación que tiene su respuesta orgánica en el escalofrío-, en sus diversas gamas y matices. Así, El embudo de cuero nos sumerge, a través de un viaje onírico, en el...

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Apr 9th, 2016
Empress of Ireland: The Story of an Edwardian Liner

Download or read Empress of Ireland: The Story of an Edwardian Liner in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Empress of Ireland: The Story of an Edwardian Liner.


Dec 17th, 2016
মিতিনমাসি সমগ্র ১

এই খণ্ডে রয়েছে ছ’টি উপন্যাস ‘সারান্ডায় শয়তান’, ‘জোনাথনের বাড়ির ভূত’, ‘কেরালায় কিস্তিমাত’, ‘সর্প-রহস্য সুন্দরবনে’, ‘ঝাও ঝিয়েন হত্যারহস্য’ এবং ‘ছকটা সুডোকুর’।

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Dec 28th, 2016
Sinti und Roma: Die unerwünschte Minderheit: Über das Vorurteil Antiziganismus

Die Minderheit der "Zigeuner" erfuhr seit jeher Diskriminierung und Verfolgung. Im "Dritten Reich" gipfelten sie im Völkermord, den die Mehrheit vergessen oder nie wahrgenommen hat. Die Ausgrenzung der Sinti und Roma dauerte auch nach 1945 an: Tradierte Vorurteile sind weiter...

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Feb 13th, 2016
Nâzım Hikmet ve Memleket / Kalabalığın İçinde Kalabalıkla Beraber

Download or read Nâzım Hikmet ve Memleket / Kalabalığın İçinde Kalabalıkla Beraber in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Nâzım Hikmet ve Memleket / Kalabalığın İçinde Kalabalıkla Beraber.


Jan 1st, 2016
Venus en las tinieblas: Relatos de horror escritos por mujeres

Todavía hoy existe una clara reticencia, por parte de muchos estudiosos, a reconocer el importante papel que las mujeres han jugado en el desarrollo del género fantástico y de terror, bien como lectoras o...

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Jun 11th, 2016
শুভ্র সমগ্র

দারুচিনি দ্বীপরূপালী দ্বীপশুভ্রএই শুভ্র এইশুভ্র গেছে বনে

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Mar 7th, 2017
Nazım Hikmet'in Şiiri

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Army Of Darkness: Ashes 2 Ashes Collection

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Apr 23rd, 2017
বাঁটুল সমগ্র

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Apr 30th, 2017
Ces gens qui vous empoisonnent l'existence

Ce livre propose 10 techniques-chocs pour faire face à toutes ces personnes dont les reproches sont injustifiés et qui, jour après jour, vous empoisonnent l’existence. En plus d’illustrer clairement les problèmes physiques, psychologiques et émotionnels que peuvent causer ces rapports difficiles, l’auteur nous aide à...

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Jul 14th, 2017
History of North American Rail

Beginning with the introduction of the steam locomotive, followed by the development of iron railroads, the North American railroads impacted the nation in ways unseen by anyone before or since. Just...

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Jul 9th, 2017
Nâzım Hikmet

Rusçada yayınlandığı 1975’ten bir yıl sonra Ataol Behramoğlu çevirisi ile dilimizde ilk kez yayınlanan bu yapıt, daha sonra yeni basımlar yaptı. Bugün Cumhuriyet Kitapları arasında sunduğumuz Nâzım Hikmet – Yaşamı ve Yapıtları,...

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Mar 23rd, 2017
The Tithes That Bind

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May 9th, 2016
The Original Michael Frayn

Download or read The Original Michael Frayn in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with The Original Michael Frayn.


Sep 10th, 2015
কিকিরা সমগ্র ১

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Jul 21st, 2017
Forgotten Empress: The Empress Of Ireland Story

In the early hours of May 29, 1914, the Canadian Pacific Ship EMPRESS OF IRELAND plunged to the bottom of the St. Lawrence River taking 840 passengers to their deaths. It was the worst disaster in the golden age of transatlantic travel as more passengers went...

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Sep 9th, 2016
The Bloody Tenent Yet More Bloody: By Mr Cottons endevour to wash It white in the Blood of the Lambe

Download or read The Bloody Tenent Yet More Bloody: By Mr Cottons endevour to wash It white in the Blood of the Lambe in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with The Bloody Tenent Yet More Bloody: By Mr Cottons endevour to wash It white in the Blood of the Lambe.


May 1st, 2017

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Jul 2nd, 2017
The Forgeries Connected with the Deed Given by the Sachems Canonicus and Miantinomi to Roger Williams of the Land on Which the Town of Providence Was Planted

This monograph meticulously examines and judiciously interprets the historical facts surrounding the conspiracy by which William Harris and his associates attempted to acquire for themselves a large portion of what we know as Rhode Island during several decades of the seventeenth century and how they...

Download or read The Forgeries Connected with the Deed Given by the Sachems Canonicus and Miantinomi to Roger Williams of the Land on Which the Town of Providence Was Planted in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with The Forgeries Connected with the Deed Given by the Sachems Canonicus and Miantinomi to Roger Williams of the Land on Which the Town of Providence Was Planted.

The Iron Hand

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Superficial: More Adventures from The Andy Cohen Diaries

The star-studded and sidesplitting follow up to The Andy Cohen Diaries The megapopular host of Watch What Happens: Live and executive producer of The Real Housewives franchise is back, better than ever, and...

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The Long Shadow of Little Rock: A Memoir

At an event honoring Daisy Bates as 1990’s Distinguished Citizen then-governor Bill Clinton called her "the most distinguished Arkansas citizen of all time." Her classic account of the 1957 Little Rock School Crisis, The Long Shadow of Little Rock, couldn't be found on...

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The First 90 Days, Updated and Expanded: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter

Whether challenged with taking on a startup, turning a business around, or inheriting a high-performing unit, a new leader's success or failure is determined within the first 90 days on the job.In this hands-on guide, Michael Watkins, a noted expert on leadership...

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Mar 31st, 2017
Has Beens

Wendell is a teenager in Hazbenz, a town where animated stars relive their glory days after the credits roll. He goes on a journey to save Melanie, his girlfriend, after she is kidnapped by an ogre named Shirk....

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The Body Language of Liars: From Little White Lies to Pathological Deception How to See Through the Fibs, Frauds, and Falsehoods People Tell You Every Day

Whether you have been scammed in business, swindled out of money, betrayed by a friend, relative or colleague or cheated on by a spouse, rest assured you are not alone. You can never be sure if people...

Download or read The Body Language of Liars: From Little White Lies to Pathological Deception How to See Through the Fibs, Frauds, and Falsehoods People Tell You Every Day in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with The Body Language of Liars: From Little White Lies to Pathological Deception How to See Through the Fibs, Frauds, and Falsehoods People Tell You Every Day.


Oct 31st, 2015
Plays 2: Benefactors / Balmoral / Wild Honey

Benefactors: "Frayn's most complex and interesting play."—Sunday TimesBalmoral: "A sophisticated drollery, an educated amusement."—New StatesmanWild Honey, a reworking of Chekhov's first play: "A brilliant piece of theatre bearing the stigmata of genius."—Guardian"Michael Frayn has the rare ability to construct farcical comedy around philosophical principles and the...

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Aug 1st, 2016
The Four of Hearts

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Dec 3rd, 2015
বনফুলের ছোটগল্প সমগ্র

পরিকল্পনা প্রস্তাবনা ও সঙ্কলন – চিরন্তন মুখোপাধ্যায়প্রচ্ছদ – প্রণবেশ মাইতিবনফুলের ছোটোগল্পের সাজি ফুলের বনের থেকে আনা এক চয়নিকা। এ- তোড়া রূপে-সুষমায়। ঘ্রাণে-লাবণ্যে, এমনকি নিকোটিনের মধুরতায়, উপাদেয়। পুষ্পের গুচ্ছ নয়, পুষ্পরাগের মণিমালাই যেন। স্পষ্ট আর স্বচ্ছ, শাদা আর হালকা-হলুদ, আর তাদের ভেতর দিয়ে...

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