Dec 17th, 2016

মিতিনমাসি সমগ্র ১

এই খণ্ডে রয়েছে ছ’টি উপন্যাস ‘সারান্ডায় শয়তান’, ‘জোনাথনের বাড়ির ভূত’, ‘কেরালায় কিস্তিমাত’, ‘সর্প-রহস্য সুন্দরবনে’, ‘ঝাও ঝিয়েন হত্যারহস্য’ এবং ‘ছকটা সুডোকুর’।

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 549 pages
  • ISBN: 9789350404324 / 0
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Feb 28th, 2017
Amsterdamnation et autres nouvelles

Solitude, obsession amoureuse, désenchantement...Tatiana de Rosnay égrène, dans ce recueil inédit, six nouvelles peuplées de personnages un peu perdus, en quête de frissons ou d'affection...Écrivains en crise, couple en pleine déréliction, jeunes gens avides, tous voient un jour leur vie basculer. Pour le pire ou le meilleur...Laissez-vous prendre par...

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Nov 17th, 2015
Le Silkie

How would you create a superhuman? That the key to this startling new novel by the master original thinker of science-fiction, A.E. van Vogt. For The Silkie was a being...

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The First 90 Days, Updated and Expanded: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter

Whether challenged with taking on a startup, turning a business around, or inheriting a high-performing unit, a new leader's success or failure is determined within the first 90 days on the job.In...

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Walter Benjamin: Selected Writings, Volume 2, Part 1, 1927-1930

In the frenzied final years of the Weimar Republic, amid economic collapse and mounting political catastrophe, Walter Benjamin emerged as the most original practicing literary critic and public intellectual in the German-speaking world. Volume...

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L'"Emilio", insieme al "Contratto sociale" l'opera più famosa e più diffusa di Jean-Jacques Rousseau, fu pubblicato nel 1762. Trascorsi oltre due secoli, nulla di Rousseau è andato perduto. I temi fondamentali della sua ricerca...

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Фламандская доска

Артуро Перес-Реверте (р. 1951) - современный испанский писатель, интеллектуал, мастер изящной словесности, завоевавший сердца своих читателей захватывающей интригой, филигранной прозой, блестящим знанием истории и искусства. Он виртуозно сочетает в своих произведениях загадки прошлых веков,...

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Jun 5th, 2016
Adoniram Judson: Devoted for Life

Explore the life of America's first foreign missionary, Adoniram Judson (1788-1850), who was devoted to serving God for over 38 years in Burma, no matter the cost. The son of a congregational minister, Judson was a precocious young...

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Jul 1st, 2017
A Letter of Mr. John Cottons Teacher of the Church in Boston, in New-England, to Mr. Williams a Preacher There

Download or read A Letter of Mr. John Cottons Teacher of the Church in Boston, in New-England, to Mr. Williams a Preacher There in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with A Letter of Mr. John Cottons Teacher of the Church in Boston, in New-England, to Mr. Williams a Preacher There.


May 3rd, 2016
John Cotton on the Churches of New England

Download or read John Cotton on the Churches of New England in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with John Cotton on the Churches of New England.

Invisible Engines: How Software Platforms Drive Innovation and Transform Industries

Software platforms are the invisible engines that have created, touched, or transformed nearly every major industry for the past quarter century. They power everything from mobile phones and automobile navigation systems to search engines and web portals. They have been the...

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Nov 18th, 2016
Magnificent 19th Century Furniture: Historicism in Germany and Central Europe

The Historicism movement in art (1830-1920) was perhaps the most democratic of all. European furniture makers sought to recapture the magic and affluence displayed in early, highly stylized and aristocratic pieces of the Gothic, Rococo, Renaissance, Baroque, and Classicism periods--but at a fraction of the cost. These artists brought...

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Oct 20th, 2015
Precise Numerical Methods Using C++ [With CDROM]

This book explains how precise numerical analysis is constructed with C++. Included is a CD-ROM which contains executable Windows 95 programs for the PC and which demonstrates how these programs...

Download or read Precise Numerical Methods Using C++ [With CDROM] in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Precise Numerical Methods Using C++ [With CDROM].
