La Grande Porte

A Space Opera, Audiobook, Fantasy book. I wasn't enjoying the conversation that much. I didn't want to prolong it. It is the sort of man-to-woman...

La Grande Porte, c'est un astéroïde artificiel construit il y a des centaines voire des milliers d'années par une civilisation disparue, les Heechees. Ces extraterrestres mystérieux ont laissé derrière eux d'innombrables astronefs, programmés pour des destinations inconnues... Pour les aventuriers qui s'y risquent, c'est souvent la disparition corps et biens ou la mort qui surgit. Pour quelques prospecteurs chanceux, les richesses des Heechees sont au bout du voyage. La Grande Porte met en scène un curieux antihéros, qui déclare à son psychanalyste-ordinateur : « Je m'appelle Robinette Broadhead, mais je n'en suis pas moins de sexe masculin. »... Problème qui en dissimule d'autres, plus sérieux, la culpabilité de l'ex-pilote — survivant millionnaire de la « loterie » heechee — surgissant peu à peu au cours des séances d'analyse.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 317 pages
  • ISBN: 9782277216919 / 2277216917
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When you spend weeks on end close to another person, so close that you know every hiccough, every smell and every scratch on the skin, you either come out of it hating each other or so deep in each other's gut that you can't find a way out. Klara and I were both. Our little love affair had turned into a Siamese-twin relationship. There wasn't any romance in it. There wasn't room enough between us for romance to occur. And yet I knew every inch of Klara, every pore, and every thought, far better than I'd known my own mother. And in the same way: from... Only you have to keep practicing and remembering. Frederik Pohl, Gateway // I wasn't enjoying the conversation that much. I didn't want to prolong it. It is the sort of man-to-woman infight that I try whenever possible to ascribe to premenstrual tension. I like the theory, but unfortunately in this case I happened to know that it didn't account for Klara, and of course it leaves unresolved at any time the question of how to account for me. Frederik Pohl, Gateway //

Frederik Pohl is still alive? Wow. And won a Hugo as recently as last year, for his blog. That I will have to check out. This is a guy who has been around science fiction for a long time, as a writer and as an editor. And Gateway was my first introduction to his work. Let me just go add him to the list of authors I want to read more... At first I was so excited about this book. I mean think about it: a long gone race of super intelligent beings leave us with an inheritance of a gateway to 1000 locations where unspeakable riches, both financial and scientific, await their rediscovery. The premise sounds great, right? I mean who wouldn't wanna go on an adventure in... I wanted to like this book but ended up annoyed and slightly disgusted. I was hopeful at first because the sci-fi elements were interesting and seems to have potential (the Heechee ships, Gateway, the food mines etc). I'd also recently finished his enjoyable capitalist-dystopian novels The Space Merchants and sequel The Merchants' War....

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