
L'"Emilio", insieme al "Contratto sociale" l'opera più famosa e più diffusa di Jean-Jacques Rousseau, fu pubblicato nel 1762. Trascorsi oltre due secoli, nulla di Rousseau è andato perduto. I temi fondamentali della sua ricerca sono ancora attualissimi;...

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Jan 4th, 2017
Five Great Comedies: Much Ado About Nothing, Twelfth Night, A Midsummer Night's Dream, As You Like It and The Merry Wives of Windsor

Merriment abounds in these beloved comedies by the Bard, in forms that range from magical mischief to rollicking farce. Five of Shakespeare's most popular comedies appear here, in one convenient and...

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The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes

This volume contains the final set of twelve Sherlock Holmes short stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle. The stories were first published in the Strand Magazine between October 1921 and April 1927 and then collected into The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes in June 1927.Stories in...

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পাগলা দাশু

*পাগলা দাশু*দাশুর খ্যাপামি*চীনে পটকা*দাশুর কীর্তি*চালিয়াৎ*সবজান্তা*ভোলানাথের সর্দারি*আশ্চর্য কবিতা*নন্দনালের ম���্দ কপাল*নতুন পন্ডিত*সবজান্তা দাদা*যতীনের জুতো*ডিটেকটিভ*ব্যোমকেশের মাঞ্জা*জগ্যিদাসের মামা*আজব সাজা*কালাচাঁদের ছবি*গোপালের পড়া*পেটুক*ভুল গল্প

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Demain les chiens

Les hommes ont disparu depuis si longtemps de la surface de la Terre que la civilisation canine, qui les a remplacés, peine à se les rappeler. Ont-ils véritablement existé ou ne sont-ils qu'une invention des conteurs, une belle histoire que les chiens se racontent à la veillée...

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Back to Methuselah

Back to Methuselah: A Metabiological Pentateuch, by George Bernard Shaw consists of a preface (An Infidel Half Century) & a series of five plays: In the Beginning: BC 4004 (In the Garden of...

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Oct 2nd, 2015
My Lady Caprice

1906. Farnol was one of the best-selling authors of the early part of the 20th century. The book begins: I sat fishing. I had not caught anything, of course-I rarely do, nor am I fond of fishing in the very smallest degree, but I...

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El Principe Zaleski

Este volumen recoge los seis cuentos de que se tiene noticia protagonizados por el misterioso principe Zaleski, una de las mas afortunadas creaciones de Shiel, que en algunas ocasiones trabajo en...

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Las crisálidas

First published in 1955, The Chrysalids is a post-nuclear story of genetic mutation in a devastated world, which tells of the lengths the intolerant will go to to keep themselves pure.David Strorm's father doesn't approve of Angus Morton's unusually large horses, calling them blasphemies against nature....

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Easy to Kill

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Fábula de Polifemo y Galatea

Escrita en 1612, sus temas son los amores de Acis y Galatea y la venganza del ciclope Polifemo, desarrollados en sesenta y tres octavas reales. Toda la riqueza de este magnifico poeta resplandece en esta obra, desde el juego de...

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The Pocket Book of Ogden Nash

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La noche de todos los santos

Hijo de un obispo anglicano, Hugh Seymour Walpole nació en Auckland, Nueva Zelanda, en 1884 y fue enviado a estudiar a Inglaterra a los cinco años de edad. Participó en la Primera Guerra Mundial con el Russian Red Cross y fue condecorado con la Orden de San Jorge por...

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The Handmaid's Tale

In this multi-award-winning, bestselling novel, Margaret Atwood has created a stunning Orwellian vision of the near future. This is the story of Offred, one of the unfortunate 'Handmaids' under the new social order who have only one purpose: to breed. In Gilead, where women...

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Tales of Hearsay

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le Wankh

Adam Reith, abandonné sur l'hostile planète Tschaï, accepte de conduire l'expédition qui doit ramener de l'autre côté du continent la princesse Ylin-Ylan. Elle était retenue prisonnière, loin de son pays natal, celui des Hommes-Wankh. Reith sait que ce peuple est technologiquement avancé...

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Mar 8th, 2016
Schwüle Tage

Graf Bill von Fernow ist im Abitur durchgefallen und muss zur Strafe seine Ferien mit dem Vater auf dem ländlichen Stammsitz verbringen. Keine verlockenden Aussichten. Aber es kommen schwüle Tage.Eduard von Keyserlings Sommer-Novelle ist mindestens ebenso...

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Brave New World

Far in the future, the World Controllers have created the ideal society. Through clever use of genetic engineering, brainwashing and recreational sex and drugs, all its members are happy consumers. Bernard Marx seems alone harbouring an ill-defined longing to break free. A...

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Les Hérétiques de Dune

Plusieurs milliers d'années ont passé depuis que « l'Empereur-Dieu de Dune », alias le « Tyran », est mort. Sa disparition a entraîné un tourbillon de violences, la Grande Famine, puis la Dispersion de l'Humanité à travers les univers. Ainsi le grand dessein du Tyran a continué de se...

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Feb 9th, 2017

La poesía de Garcilaso, tuvo tres etapas: la castellana, en que escribe sus poemas octosilábicos;la italiana o petrarquista, en que, influido por Francesco Petrarca, escribe sus sonetos y canciones en forma de cancionero petrarquista dedicado a la dama Isabel Freyre;y la etapa clasicista...

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