Las crisálidas

A Classics, Fantasy, Dystopia book. There was often a great deal of grown-up fuss that...

First published in 1955, The Chrysalids is a post-nuclear story of genetic mutation in a devastated world, which tells of the lengths the intolerant will go to to keep themselves pure.David Strorm's father doesn't approve of Angus Morton's unusually large horses, calling them blasphemies against nature. Little does he realize that his own son, his niece Rosalind and their friends, have their own secret aberration which would label them as mutants. But as David and Rosalind grow older it becomes more difficult to conceal their differences from the village elders. Soon they face a choice: wait for eventual discovery or flee to the terrifying and mutable Badlands...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 244 pages
  • ISBN: / 9788433574
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More About Las crisálidas

... the more complex they made their world, the less capable they were of dealing with it. They had no means of consensus. They learnt to co-operate constructively in small units; but only destructively in large units. They aspired greedily, and then refused to face the responsibilities they had created. They created vast problems, and then buried their heads in the sands of idle faith. John Wyndham, The Chrysalids // Why should I? I've done nothing to be ashamed of. I am not ashamed - I am only beaten John Wyndham, The Chrysalids // The essential quality of life is living' the essential quality of living is change; change is evolution; and we are part of it. John Wyndham, The Chrysalids //

I nominated this book for my real-life book club because I was trying to think of something that would fit a Halloween-sort-of theme, and some description I saw of this book mentioned the Devil, so why not?Sorry, book club. Not very Halloween-y, eh? And, apparently (at least in Pittsburgh), really difficult to find. I failed you all... anyone who would like a very obvious example of wolf in sheep's clothing manipulative techniques nsan insan yapan nedir? Irk m? Ten rengi mi? Milliyeti mi? Yoksa dnceleri ve kiilii mi? John Wyndham, Krizalitler adl eserinde tam da bu konuyu sorguluyor ite. Ama bilimkurgunun, hatta belki de biraz da fantastiin o kendine zg eletiri klcn kuanarak, farkl ve gerekst bir yoldan yapyor bunu.Hikayemiz Waknuk kynde yaayan, David adl bir...

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