
Бывают книги просто обреченные на успех. Автобиографический роман Анри Шарьера «Мотылек» стал бестселлером сразу после его опубликования в 1969 году. В первые три года после выхода в свет было напечатано около 10 миллионов экземпляров этой книги. Кинематографисты были готовы драться за право экранизации....

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Bonne Vieille Terre

The planet Cadwall has an ecosystem unique in the human-explored galaxy; a thousand years past it was set aside as a natural preserve, protected by law and covenant against colonization and exploitation.But now the elite Conservator culture that has developed on Cadwal is facing a conspiracy of humans and aliens...

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le Dirdir

Getting back to Earth from the planet Tschai involved only stealing a spaceship or having one built to order — for Tschai was the abode of several intelligent star-born races and, as such, had spaceyards. But Adam Reith's problem was not so...

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The Iron Hand

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Charlie Chan Carries On

In Room 28 on the 3rd floor of Broome's super-respectable hotel in London, lay an American tourist, one Hugh Morris Drake, kindly automobile manufacturer from Detroit. He had been murdered in the night. Drake was a member of a round-the-world travel party, and before Inspector Duff...

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