
A Autobiography, Adventure, Memoir book. Ive known this a long time, because when Napoleon III created...

Бывают книги просто обреченные на успех. Автобиографический роман Анри Шарьера «Мотылек» стал бестселлером сразу после его опубликования в 1969 году. В первые три года после выхода в свет было напечатано около 10 миллионов экземпляров этой книги. Кинематографисты были готовы драться за право экранизации. В 1973 году состоялась премьера фильма Франклина Шеффнера, снятого по книге Шарьера (в главных ролях Стив Маккуин и Дастин Хоффман), ныне по праву причисленного к классике кинематографа.Автор этого повествования Анри Шарьер по прозвищу Мотылек (Папийон) в двадцать пять лет был обвинен в убийстве и приговорен к пожизненному заключению.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 542 pages
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It was worth having made this break for the people, the human beings it had brought me into contact with. Although it had failed, my escape had been a victory, merely by having enriched my heart with the friendship of these wonderful people. No, I was not sorry. I had done it. Henri Charrire, Papillon // We have too much technological progress, life is too hectic, and our society has only one goal: to invent still more technological marvels to make life even easier and better. The craving for every new scientific discovery breeds a hunger for greater comfort and the constant struggle to achieve it. All that kills the soul, kills compassion, understanding, nobility. It leaves no time for caring what happens to other people, least of all criminals. Even the officials in Venezuela's remote areas are better for they're also concerned with public peace. It... I must prove that I can be, that I am and will be, a normal person. Perhaps no better, but certainly no worse than the rest. Henri Charrire, Papillon //

This is the Best book I ever read.I remember I started to read it when I was 14, and during long travels to sorocaba city I used to read a little of it, getting back in favourite parts.Henri Charrire did something completally amazing. Not one, but two: First was the escaping itself, from Devil Island.. secound was to describle this... Ce livre autobiographique a inspir en 1973 le film du mme nom de Franklin J. Schaffner avec Steve McQueen, Dustin Hoffman. Trs controvers ce livre de souvenirs nest en fait quun assemblage de ses propres anecdotes mles des histoires de compagnons de bagnes. Autrement dit, Charrire se serait largement inspir des vies dautres forats pur... Imagine being.. Imprisoned to rot for a crime you had not committed. Framed by the law and frustrated by such injustice. Fueled by vengeance with an undying hope of freedom.This book puts Prison Break (the series) to shame. Prison stories are my guilty pleasure. I simply can't get enough of them. No wonder that my all-time favorite...

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