Dec 6th, 2015

Le Canal Ophite

A Science Fiction, Fiction book. I tend to round up with stars...I like debut novels as much as I do debut films...

Personne ne connaît l'origine du Canal Ophite : depuis quatre siècles, ce rayon laser pointé vers notre soleil transmet de précieuses informations scientifiques. Mais la communication est à sens unique : pour parler aux Ophites, il faudrait construire un laser similaire, et notre réponse mettrait dix-sept ans à leur parvenir. Cela n'est pas dans les moyens d'une humanité chassée de Vieille Terre par de mystérieux Envahisseurs, et dispersée aux quatre coins de la galaxie.Voici que le Canal livre un déroutant message en forme de note de téléphone pour quatre cents ans de services, avec menaces de « sanctions sévères » en cas de non-paiement.Pendant ce temps, sur Aquarius 14, la jeune savante Lilo-Alexandr-Calypso, condamnée à mort pour certains travaux génétiques interdits, est exécutée. Mais Lilo survit, reproduite en plusieurs exemplaires, grâce à des clones illégaux. Et les incarnations multiples de Lilo convergent toutes vers l'énigme du Canal Ophite.Dans ce premier roman, John Varley a su mêler des idées de science-fiction extrêmement originales et un art sophistiqué du...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 254 pages
  • ISBN: 9782277214632 / 2277214639
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More About Le Canal Ophite

I tend to round up with stars...I like debut novels as much as I do debut films made by first time script writer / directors. There is either a certain charm to them or other times it is an urgent desperation. The charming ones tend to be simple straight forward if not a bit quaint or quirky. The desperate ones tend to be crammed packed... Despite appearing in David Pringle's canon-building Science-fiction: The 100 Best Novels 1949-1984 John Varley's debut novel The Ophiuchi Hotline (1977) doesn't get the same kind of reverence that other books on that list from that era still do.That's because it's neither a fan favourite (hey there Dune) nor respectable literary SF... Excellent science fiction. Loved it.

Behind Deep Blue: Building the Computer That Defeated the World Chess Champion

On May 11, 1997, as millions worldwide watched a stunning victory unfold on television, a machine shocked the chess world by defeating the defending world champion, Garry Kasparov. Written by the man who started the adventure, Behind Deep Blue reveals the inside story of...

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The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes

This volume contains the final set of twelve Sherlock Holmes short stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle. The stories were first published in the Strand Magazine between October 1921 and April 1927...

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Mar 31st, 2017
Has Beens

Wendell is a teenager in Hazbenz, a town where animated stars relive their glory days after the credits roll. He goes on a journey to save Melanie, his girlfriend, after she is kidnapped...

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May 15th, 2016
Roger Williams; The Pioneer Of Religious Liberty

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Jan 4th, 2017
Five Great Comedies: Much Ado About Nothing, Twelfth Night, A Midsummer Night's Dream, As You Like It and The Merry Wives of Windsor

Merriment abounds in these beloved comedies by the Bard, in forms that range from magical mischief to rollicking farce. Five of Shakespeare's most popular comedies appear here, in one convenient and economical volume. Contents include:Much Ado About Nothing, in...

Download or read Five Great Comedies: Much Ado About Nothing, Twelfth Night, A Midsummer Night's Dream, As You Like It and The Merry Wives of Windsor in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Five Great Comedies: Much Ado About Nothing, Twelfth Night, A Midsummer Night's Dream, As You Like It and The Merry Wives of Windsor.


Jan 3rd, 2017
স্বপ্ন ও অন্যান্য মঞ্চ নাটক সমগ্র

সূচীপত্রঃস্বপ্ন অসময়১৯৭১নৃপতিমহাপুরুষস্মৃতিচিহ্ন (কিশোর নাটিকা)

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Oct 6th, 2016
Pigment Of The Imagination: A History Of Phytochrome Research

Pigment of the Imagination chronicles the story of phytochrome, the bright-blue photoreversible pigment through which plants constantly monitor the quality and presence of light. The book begins with work that led to the discovery of phytochrome and ends with the...

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Apr 17th, 2016

Вниманию читателей предлагается биография одного из самых жестоких завоевателей в истории европейского Средневековья, разорителя Руси и создателя Золотой Орды. Само его имя звучит зловеще, заставляя вспомнить ужасы Батыевщины - кровавого монгольского нашествия XIII века и двухвекового ордынского...

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Apr 30th, 2017
Ces gens qui vous empoisonnent l'existence

Ce livre propose 10 techniques-chocs pour faire face à toutes ces personnes dont les reproches sont injustifiés et qui, jour après jour, vous empoisonnent l’existence. En plus d’illustrer clairement les problèmes physiques, psychologiques et émotionnels que peuvent causer ces...

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Coup de soleil

Soleil Lewin passe l'été dans un village de retraités de Floride en compagnie de son grand-père. Elle y fait la rencontre d'un nouvel ami qui lui fait découvrir les bandes dessinées et toute une gamme de super héros dont...

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Oct 22nd, 2015
Daily Life in Ancient Mesopotamia

The ancient world of Mesopotamia (from Sumer to the subsequent division into Babylonia and Assyria) vividly comes alive in this portrayal of the time period from 3100 BCE to the fall of Assyria (612 BCE) and Babylon (539...

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Les machines à illusions

En ces sombres années 2050...Venus d'une lointaine planète, les Ganymédiens — monstres doués d'une intelligence aiguë et maîtres d'une implacable technologie — ont conquis la Terre, soumis les Terriens.Soumis ? Pas tout à fait. Dans les monts du Tennessee, des partisans...

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