
A Childrens, Cultural, Young Adult book. A lovely way to write a book about the asylum seeker issue in...

When a boat carrying a group of asylum seekers is sunk by a freak wave, Faris wakes from the shipwreck in an Australia he's always dreamed of. There are kangaroos grazing under orange trees and the sky is always blue. On a nearby beach, Faris meets a group of young people who have come from far different times and places.They are also seeking refuge, and each has their own story of why they had to leave their country to make a new life for themselves. It is only when Faris chooses to return to 'real life' and find his father in Australia that he learns the extraordinary truth about the friends he made on the golden beach.From one of Australia's best-loved authors comes a remarkable story about Australia's long history of migration and the people who make up our country.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 272 pages
  • ISBN: 9780732296179 / 0
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More About Refuge

A lovely way to write a book about the asylum seeker issue in Australia which is such a hot political topic. 13 year old Faris is travelling on an old boat with his grandmother, he is hoping to join his father in Australia and he has researched Australia on the internet and has his own ideas of what it will be like. When a wave washes over the boat, he blacks out and wakes up in Australia, everything is perfect, everything is as he is envisioned... This is a novel for children about the issue of 'boat people' in Australia, but the way French has decided to tell the story (or stories) was surprisingly effective. Her main character, Faris, is on his way to Australia when his boat is shipwrecked. When he wakes he finds himself in the Australia of his imagination (complete with chicken...

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