Apr 5th, 2017

Coffee in Common

A Romance book. Ay first I want sure I was going to like this book. There were so many small...

All Jillian wanted that fine May morning was to pick up the coffee order for herself and her two work friends, just as she had done every third workday for several years. How could she know a chance, silly comment to the barista might change her life forever?All Paul wanted that morning was for his best friend Rob to stop talking about baseball so he could concentrate on deciding whether to order one of Gil’s amazing blueberry muffins or a cinnamon-raisin bagel with cream cheese. How could he know that in a few seconds he’d find himself yelling in the ear of the woman in front of them?All Priya wanted was to enjoy having finally found a job where her talent was valued and her looks irrelevant. How could she know her workmate’s reaction to a comment in a coffee shop would set in motion events that might make all her...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 350 pages
  • ISBN: 9781451587968 / 0
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More About Coffee in Common

Very cute romance! Ay first I want sure I was going to like this book. There were so many small stories surrounding the main character I thought it might take away from the underlining story. Boy was I wrong. Everything went perfectly together! Such a cute romantic story that I am pleased I took a chance on!

Mar 24th, 2017
True Colors: The Real Life of the Art World

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L'"Emilio", insieme al "Contratto sociale" l'opera più famosa e più diffusa di Jean-Jacques Rousseau, fu pubblicato nel 1762. Trascorsi oltre due secoli, nulla di Rousseau è andato perduto. I temi fondamentali della sua ricerca sono ancora attualissimi; anzi, hanno conosciuto...

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Apr 30th, 2017
Ces gens qui vous empoisonnent l'existence

Ce livre propose 10 techniques-chocs pour faire face à toutes ces personnes dont les reproches sont injustifiés et qui, jour après jour, vous empoisonnent l’existence. En plus d’illustrer clairement les...

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Walter Benjamin: Selected Writings, Volume 2, Part 1, 1927-1930

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Jan 2nd, 2016
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The Complete Writings of Roger Williams - Volume 4

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Roger Williams: New England Firebrand

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