Feb 28th, 2016

A Little White Book of Lies

So far this has been the worst of the 'Little...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 111 pages
  • ISBN: 9781880325599 / 1880325594
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More About A Little White Book of Lies

9 - Introduction11 - Fade In/Fade Out31 - Brothers57 - Never Far From Mind79 - The Hollow91 - Where The Past Lay BuriedThis is copy 330 of 500 signed numbered copies.A collection of stories published between 1989 and 2004 all published originally elsewhere. So far this has been the worst of the 'Little Books', not to say it's bad, it's just not up to par as some of the other authors. Every story had something to do with a lie and was probably the first 'Little Book' to follow the 'Little Books' structure faithfully. Two stories stood out, one was about a imaginary companion that took place...

Oct 28th, 2015
Off the Beaten Track: Irish Railway Walks

Over the last century, approximately 1,920 miles of railway in Ireland have been shut down, giving birth to a new and unusual walking resource. This guide to walking the old railroad tracks of Ireland takes...

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Sep 9th, 2016
The Bloody Tenent Yet More Bloody: By Mr Cottons endevour to wash It white in the Blood of the Lambe

Download or read The Bloody Tenent Yet More Bloody: By Mr Cottons endevour to wash It white in the Blood of the Lambe in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with The Bloody Tenent Yet More Bloody: By Mr Cottons endevour to wash It white in the Blood of the Lambe.


Nov 7th, 2016
All the Right Moves: A VLSI Architecture for Chess

Computer chess programs traditionally have been subject to a tradeoff between search speed and chess knowledge. "All the Right Moves "presents a parallel architecture that makes this tradeoff irrelevant: using the VLSI architecture described in this book, the Hitech chess program is able to search both...

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Download or read Игрок in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Игрок.

Les machines à illusions

En ces sombres années 2050...Venus d'une lointaine planète, les Ganymédiens — monstres doués d'une intelligence aiguë et maîtres d'une implacable technologie — ont conquis la Terre, soumis les Terriens.Soumis ? Pas tout à fait. Dans les monts du Tennessee, des...

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Jan 18th, 2017
কলাবতী সমগ্র

কলাবতীর দেখা শোনা, ভূতের বাসায় কলাবতী, কলাবতী ও খয়েরি, অপুর মা ও পঞ্চু, কলাবতী ও মিলেনিয়াম ম্যাচ, কলাবতীর শক্তিশেল

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Apr 30th, 2017
Ces gens qui vous empoisonnent l'existence

Ce livre propose 10 techniques-chocs pour faire face à toutes ces personnes dont les reproches sont injustifiés et qui, jour après jour, vous empoisonnent l’existence. En plus d’illustrer clairement les problèmes physiques,...

Download or read Ces gens qui vous empoisonnent l'existence in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Ces gens qui vous empoisonnent l'existence.


Nov 18th, 2016
Walking West Country Railways

Download or read Walking West Country Railways in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Walking West Country Railways.


L'"Emilio", insieme al "Contratto sociale" l'opera più famosa e più diffusa di Jean-Jacques Rousseau, fu pubblicato nel 1762. Trascorsi oltre due secoli, nulla di Rousseau è andato perduto. I temi fondamentali della sua...

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May 3rd, 2016
John Cotton on the Churches of New England

Download or read John Cotton on the Churches of New England in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with John Cotton on the Churches of New England.


Nov 18th, 2016
Magnificent 19th Century Furniture: Historicism in Germany and Central Europe

The Historicism movement in art (1830-1920) was perhaps the most democratic of all. European furniture makers sought to recapture the magic and affluence displayed in early, highly stylized and aristocratic pieces of the Gothic, Rococo, Renaissance, Baroque, and...

Download or read Magnificent 19th Century Furniture: Historicism in Germany and Central Europe in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Magnificent 19th Century Furniture: Historicism in Germany and Central Europe.


Apr 30th, 2016
The Tithe Lie!: "But if the journey is too long for you, so that you are not able to carry the tithe...then you shall exchange it for money..." (Deut. 14:24-25, NKJV).

Download or read The Tithe Lie!: "But if the journey is too long for you, so that you are not able to carry the tithe...then you shall exchange it for money..." (Deut. 14:24-25, NKJV). in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with The Tithe Lie!: "But if the journey is too long for you, so that you are not able to carry the tithe...then you shall exchange it for money..." (Deut. 14:24-25, NKJV)..
